She was familiar with my curve being a 'left lumber' herself, and she candidly told me a few experiences she has tried and suggested for future consideration. But what she really spent time on was a thorough instruction of several key exercises. Most of these she had already taught in the workshop, but it was great to get a bit more hands-on instruction, as well as modifications targeted specifically for me.
She made notes, and took a few photos on my camera so that I could see that part of my body that requires the most attention but which I cannot see myself. She also allowed me to photograph her and video her too, so that I could hear her instructions. She knew I was writing a blog and I thought it very generous of a "brand" to allow me what amounted to an all access pass (which I shall not abuse!). She showed me how to adapt various movements wherever I am, which will be helpful the next time I am away from home, (as long as I have a wall and a doorway).

In the end I have to say I learned more about my body and the way it works. And I now have a few more exercises to add to the Scoliosis SOS list. I am now recorded as one of her 'clients' and encouraged to email questions whenever they come up. She spent a little more than one hour with me and although she was business-like and miindful of the time, as I was, she made sure I had what I needed before the session ended formally.

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